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I’ll be holding on to my iPad 1 thankyouverymuch

While I admit that I would like more memory and a faster CPU, I’m pretty sure that

  • I don’t have time to play more games than the ones already on there
  • most games for the foreseeable future will be compatible with the original iPad
  • watching movies and surfing the web is what I do most
  • the way things are going, end of this year or early next year we will have an iPad 3

So I’m waiting for iPad 3 or later. Depending on how strong my will is, actually.

Blog News

Upgrading Flex builder (flex3) to Flash Builder (flex4)

I recently became interested again in programming in Flex after long abstaining from it when I found a tutorial on how easy it has become to consume a data service like Twitter, with the integrated wizard in Flash Builder. It looked to me like some nice tools could be made using that.

So I checked how much the upgrade would cost me : 277 Euros, vat included, to upgrade from Flex Builder 3 Pro to Flash Builder Premium.

This was a bit steep for me, just for trying out a new wizard. Further on, after reading a bit more I found out that Flash Builder Standard now contained all the charting elements that Flex Builder 3 standard had missed, and which was the reason I had bought Flex Builder Pro in the first place.

It also seems like I was stuck: I didn’t want or need the new “premium” features of Flash Builder 4, the standard would be fine for me, however the upgrade process always proposed me the Premium version of Flash Builder. Several other people on the internet are also complaining about this.

Really, they should have allowed people to purchase the standard edition, even if they came from the Flex Pro edition…

But then I remembered that I still had the original Flex Builder 3 standard edition – I had bought this originally, then bought the full suite. An upgrade from that to Flash Builder standard is only 99 Euros or so !

So I have bought the upgrade to Flash Builder standard and can now program in Flash again, for a very low price 🙂


Deathworm HD for the iPad

I just recently downloaded Deathworm HD. HD on my iPad – the hours go whizzing by !

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My Blackberry is not working…

Blog News

I’m neglecting my personal blog…

But then, I’m busy.

Actually my biggest peak is not shown, but somewhere early 2007 or so I had compiled a big list of tips and trick for a HTC windows Phone, and it became very popular. Once I switched to an Iphone I no longer added new content, and you can see that in the decline.

The uptick around march-may 2009 is more visitors because I wrote some articles about flex3 and how to use it (or at least how I used it).

At the end of 2009 I started up my other blog called and it’s app, Twita. Most of my time is now focused on those sites trying to create an analysis program for twitter.

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Blog News

What you need to do.

I’ve been busy lately with coding, with family, with the kids. That doesn’t leave a lot of time for blogging. Especially if you want to *do* something like writing your own analytics for Twitter 🙂 which sorta consumes you if you are just a one-man show.

But sometimes you find something that is worth mentioning. Heck that is worth shouting out for and saying, Yep! This is it !

So without further ado: This is what an entrepreneur (or anybody else for that matter) needs to do. Image by Bud Caddell.
Venn Diagram - Happiness in Business

Blog News

Technology Advancement (1990)

When I left for work this morning, I took my iPad with me.  While I was reading my mails in the train via my 3G connection, I suddenly realised how much advancement we have made, how much easier things are now technology wise speaking:

In 1990 when I was studying Information Science (or started to) :

  • email was something used in universities
  • bulletin boards via dial-up modem were still the rage
  • Punch cards where still a required learning subject, so was assembly code
  • I learned C (not C++) via a terminal on a mainframe that emulated C in order to run it, and took up a whole room
  • We still had big rule printers in separate rooms which made the most godawful noise printing on paper fed from a box below them
  • We had Winchester disks for our mainframe, mounted on wooden blocks. When our class initiated the database queries we learned, they all vibrated like washing machines.

The year after I graduated, they replaced the whole caboodle with 2 Unix machines that fit in 2 shoe boxes – one for the hard drive, one for the cpu.

And now, almost 20 years later, I’m reading my email via a wireless 3G connection on an ultra-slim touch-enabled device that seems to have dropped out of some futuristic movie, and it seems that hardly any time has passed.

But in reality, lots has changed in those years. And when I think back on those years without the internet, I feel so very happy to be able to participate in this, the knowledge available at my fingertips, the social media to find just the right persons to communicate with, the speed with which you can do calculations, the ability to share your work with others, the connectedness of it all.

And I’m just really glad to be here in the now and not 20 years ago 🙂

Apple Hardware


Well, I’ve just returned from a 10 day trip or so around Nord-Pas-de-Calais, France, and for once I didn’t take the laptop with me. Instead I brought my iPad along, and it served very well as a light-weight replacement ‘entertainment device’.

No programming at all, just consuming lots of different media, for which the iPad is more than up to it.

I watched a few movies on it using the Videos app, read a book using the Kindle iPad edition, and some comics on it via Comixology, and kept some spending figures in a spreadsheet using Numbers. I also used it a lot with Offmaps, an offline map reader for which I had downloaded the appropriate openstreetmap part of france before I left. It’s no match for a gps, but coupled with the GPS that is in the iPad it’s like map reading with the added ability of seeing where you are and zooming in and out of the map as you please. I really hate those small screens of the current gps devices, it’s so hard to get an overview of where you are going, with the iPad it’s just natural !

One thing I do miss is that I can’t download new pictures out of my camera like I do using the laptop with the SD Card reader although I believe there is a camera connection kit on the market.

The next few trips will also have an iPad as long as I don’t have to do any programming…

Blog News

I find this touching.

“Though my soul may set in darkness it will rise in perfect light.
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night.”

– from The Old Astronomer by Sarah Williams