I updated my little AIR application called WeightManDesktop (which uses data from WeightMan, a free iPhone application made by Katachi Studios) to version 0.2.
Changes in version 0.2:
- Calculates the minimum and maximum weight
- Calculates the minimum BMI
- Both the weight graph and the BMI graph now don’t start from 0 – instead they use the minimum values to calculate the begin value of the graph
- The graphs are much more clear now and the changes in weight show up more distinctly.
You can download version 0.2 of the program by clicking on the install badge. Version 0.1 entry and description can be found here.
[airbadge] WeightManDesktop, https://boschmans.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/WeightManDesktop.air, 0.2, https://boschmans.net/wp-content/uploads/2009/11/WDM-r2.png[/airbadge]
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One reply on “WeightManDesktop v.0.2 (AIR)”
[…] use the program, download it and install it – it’s an AIR application, so you need to first install the run-time […]