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How Windows Mobile 5 gets developed

The Windows Mobile Team Blog is a great resource, I’ve found it very useful on occasion to get a glimpse into the developers mind.
In his “I’m just a feature” article, Mike Calligero explains what it takes for a feature request to get into a new Windows Mobile 5 build.

[If you are interested in knowing more about software development, head over to Joels site for lots of great, well-written articles on what a programmer needs to do to get a program released and get it stable]
It’s an eye-opener for those users who have never known or realised what it takes for an improvement or feature request to get through the build proces of a major application that is released in 25 languages and to millions of users.

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What is a manager ?

I’m reading the Hackers Diet, and apart from being a free online weight loss book, it’s also chockfull of references and insights to other issues, some of which are pretty usefull for everybody.

Coming from one of the founders of Autodesk (John Walker) this is not suprising. The man has oodles and bags full of experience in managing a company and the people in it to share.

I just had to share this particular insight with you which is in the section “Managing Problems” :

The world of the manager is one of problems and opportunities. Problems are to be managed; one must understand the nature of the problem, amass resources adequate to deal with it, and “work the problem” on an ongoing basis. Opportunities are merely problems that promise to pay off after sufficient work.

Aaaah. A Good Definition, methinks. He continues though, stating that a manager does not fix a problem… Solving a problem requires a mix of both managing and fixing it.

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General Hornball

Get yourself a new name : use the porn name generator !

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What's on your Ipod ?

Found via Vowe : Usage statistics on the play usage of ipods.

Very interesting, and I tend to agree with both volker and Duke : the current tools are not adequate enough to let you discover all of your music in a large music collection, and when you are mobile, most of the time you only want to listen to a subset of your music, well, at least I prefer so.

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Project Management Abstraction

Joel On Software released another great article, titled Development Abstraction.

He explains, from a software development point of view how a (software development) company must be run to get things done, the underlying infrastructure eliminating overhead and letting the programmers just do their job (the main task of the company) without anything else distracting them from doing their programming.

I think his points are extremely valid, and even more so, that they can be applied to more than just software development companies. Joel himself makes some great other examples :

Nobody expects Dolly Parton to know how to plug in a microphone. There’s an incredible infrastructure of managers, musicians, recording technicians, record companies, roadies, hairdressers, and publicists behind her who exist to create the abstraction that when she sings, that’s all it takes for millions of people to hear her song. All the support staff and management that make Dolly Parton possible can do their jobs best by providing the most perfect abstraction: the most perfect illusion that Dolly sings for us. It is her song. When you’re listening to her on your iPod, there’s a huge infrastructure that makes that possible, but the very best thing that infrastructure can do is disappear completely. Provide a leakproof abstraction that Dolly Parton is singing, privately, to us.

I think that the same can be said for project management – as a project manager, you have to provide a leakproof abstraction to your team members so that can get on with their project work.

You making the hard decisions or those nitty-gritty follow-ups that no one else wants to make is one part of the job. It’s not about the power of the position, it’s about how you can serve your team members best. They have the detailed view, you have the global view, and you both work together to get the project finished.
Making sure that there are no stumble blocks on the road ahead of them that can distract them is for me an important part of being a project leader.

Blog News TechScience Future

Going Bedouin

Going Bedouin is the latest way of doing business being discussed.

Being in constant communication with each other.

I think it’ll work for small companies, but not if you have a 1000 people working for you – unless you can divide them up in their own sub-company.

Blog News TechScience Future

Real 3D images made from light

Real 3D light points

This is sooooooo cool !!!

I hope to see some more -practical- applications of this in the future to come…

Original link to article

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Grumpy Gamer

Grumpy Gamer has a nice article about copy protection, as well as a solution to the problem 😉

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Laurent au pays des Sushis

The title says it all : a good buddy of mine is on a trip to check out Japan and New-Zealand, with the option of staying in NZ.

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The Courage to Live Consciously by Steve Pavlina

What is the difference between you and one of those legendary historical figures who did have such an impact? You both had many of the same fears. You both were born with talents in some areas and weaknesses in others. The only thing stopping you is fear, and the only thing that will get you past it is courage. What you do with your life isn’t up to your parents, your boss, or your spouse. It’s up to you and you alone.

Yes. I’ve gone through a period in my professional life that I consider to be ‘less’ than what it could have been, but accepted it because of several reasons : new life to take care of and a don’t-rock-the-boat,we’ll-take-care-of-you mentality that I believed. But in the end, even with the best of intentions, it’s me that has to decide what I want.

It’s only now that I have made a change myself in my professionnal life that I realise again that I have the freedom to do what I want and that it is that that I need.

It’s me that does the deciding, not anybody else.