This is soooo cool.
Creating an AIR badge for an Adobe AIR application is a bit of a hassle, but the following 2 WordPress plugins really do take all the work out of it. Any post where you want to add an Air badge, you’re done in 3 minutes.
You’ll need either one of the following plugins:
– The Original plugin, made by Peter Elst, which is easy to use
– The Updated plugin with built-in click tracking (requires a bit more work)
I decided to use the original plugin, and you need to do just 3 things to use it.
- install the plugin (in your admin menu, just go to the plugin section and use the “search plugins” button to search for “air badge”
- upload your .air file to the server (if you want to use the wordpress “Add Media” uploader, you might also need to install an additional plugin called “PJW mime-config” and add .air to the list.
- create your badge by writing the following magic words between the words ‘airbadge’ : application name, full URL to .air file, application version, image.jpg
You’re done ! Admire your work (and that of the guy who made it possible, Peter Elst)!
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