
PSP 2.71 SE-C with Devhook 0.50

If you have a firmware 1.50 PSP, (or downgraded from 2.71 to 1.50), you can now install a special treat – a Special Edition Firmware version of the PSP 2.71 firmware together with the latest version of Devhook.

The latest revision discussed here is revision C of this firmware. You can download it from PSP-Hacks (and other sites).
What does all this do ? Let me list it :

  • You no longer have to boot into your 1.50 firmware, then use devhook to boot into your emulated 2.71 firmware, and then -finally!- start up your favourite game that needs 2.71 firmware.
  • Using the latest revision of this custom firmware (revision C) you can even launch umd games that require 2.80 firmware !
  • You can run homebrew software, both the ones written for 1.50 and for 2.71 firmware. Just put the homebrew for 1.50 in GAME15 en the other in GAM271.
  • No longer do you need to launch devhook to launch an iso on your memory stick. You can now load them from XMB (not tested)

So this means you can keep using homebrew software together with launching normal games together with all the benefits of the 2.71 firmware.
The install process is a lengty one, even with the Devhook Ultimate Installer 1.5.1 (you need to download the Advanced edition), and, ofcourse, you need a windows pc for it (grr). Still, when you follow the instructions exactly (there are few readme’s in the root of your memory card and the dh folder that you positively need to read) it should work out fine.

I deviated in one thing – to actually start the SE-C install, you need to copy the flashfiles in the GAME150 folder to the PSP/GAME folder otherwise you won’t see them (afterwards you can delete them).
Please be advised though, that if you frick this up, you will have a brick on your hand – the install process overwrites the firmware flash, so please be sure to have a fully loaded battery and your charger plugged in and follow the instructions !

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