Blog News

Spam Away – it won't get you anywhere

These last few days I’ve started receiving some serious spam directed to my blog – every hour or two, some 25 to 30 new spam comments.

They never get actually published on my blog, as I require all comments to be approved by me, but still. It was getting on my nerves, every time I had to wade through 25 new mails from my blog.

Akismet to the rescue. After signing up for free at and getting my api key via a slightly convoluted mail, I activated the akismet plugin, and it immediately set to work, classifying 19 new comments as spam.

No more notifications. No more mails. And it gets deleted after 15 days.

Spam away, you spammer. You’re not going to get anything published on this blog.

UPDATE : I actived Akismet Friday evening – 19 comments were spam. Today, Sunday, I already have 229 spomments ! 4 got to my moderation queue – excellent really !

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