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WordPress 2.1

Just to let you know I upgraded to WP 2.1 late last night. Some interruptions / changes to themes might be possible in the coming days as I re-activate my plugins one by one.

The upgrade itself went very well. There are heaps of bug fixes and lots of new functionality, especially in the admin section there is supposedly more ajaxy goodness (I haven’t encountered it yet).

With the upgrade to the latest version of WordPress, I’m also thinking about going for another theme – the feedback from the team behind the anaconda theme is lackluster, their bulletin board-style forum is was riddled with spam and there is not much progress beyond them promising a new theme soon. Also, it bothers me that they want to make some money out of it, when their theme seems to be assembled from other, freely available themes that are GPL…

Besides, WP 2.1 delivers more possibilities for theme design, including a flexible header image upload. This is something I’ve wanted from the very beginning, and which I think is sorely missing in WordPress – setting up your header that differentiates your site from the other blogs should be as easy as possible.

Maybe I’ll check out this Mollio-based theme, which seems similar and comes in a variety of columns. This looks suspiciously like the anaconda theme. I wonder who borrowed from who or is this the default mollio look…

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3 replies on “WordPress 2.1”


Any advice on hosting services to use with WordPress ? It seems there are a few of them and I was wondering which one you recommend ?


Hello there Kamran, I didn’t know you were interested in starting to blog yourself !

If it’s a simple no-hassle blog that you want, where you can publish stuff, but don’t have to worry about configuring anything, you can go direct to the source and sign up with themselves.

You can pick a name and you’ll have a site named something like I’ve never tried it, but you can even reconfigure it afterwards so that (for example) will redirect to the blog.

They offer oodles of themes, anti-spam using akismet (you’ll need it if your blog is even slightly popular), and lots of pre-installed plugins. You only need to configure your blog to your liking and start writing.

Heck, writing those posts will be the hardest part, the rest is fun !

As a plus, it’s free for the basic blog, and you can select lots of themes. You can upload 50 mb of stuff, for free.

Sorry to sound like an advertising board 🙂

Otherwise you can go the route of selecting your own hosting company and installing wordpress on it and configuring your mysql database. Should you choose to go that way, I can always help you out, but honestly, try out first and see if you like the wordpress stuff itself and then decide what you want to do.

Good hosting companies : so far I’m using a reasonable reliable one, but in my eyes fairly expensive called priorweb ( Another one which has very reasonable rates is ONE ( although they had a problem with running WordPress blogs in the past (that was solved).

Hope that helps,


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